
const fs = require('fs');
const {MessageEmbed} = require('discord.js');

/** The Base module class. Every module's MainClass must extend from this. DO NOT INSTANTIATE AS IS. */
class Base {
	 * Sets up the base values of all modules, such as a reference to the client, a name, description and help message.
	 * @constructor
	 * @param {external:Client} client - The Discord.js bot client.
	 * @property {external:Client} client - The Discord.js bot client.
	 * @property {string} name - The module's name, used for the help command.
	 * @property {string} description - The module's description, used for the help command.
	 * @property {Object} help - Used to create the help message.
	 * @property {string} commandText - The command the bot will be looking for.
	 * @property {number} color - The module's description, used for the help command.
	 * @property {Array<external:Snowflake>} auth - The ID of the users that are authorized to run this command. Authorizes everyone if it's empty.
	 * @property {boolean} dmEnabled - Whether or not the command can be run from DMs. Defaults to false.
	constructor(client) {
		this.client = client; = "[TODO] Add name";
		this.description = "[TODO] Add description"; = {
			"": "[TODO] Add help"
		this.commandText = "";
		this.color = 0xffffff;
		this.auth = [];
		this.dmEnabled = false;

 	 * Number emojis from 1 to 10.
	 * @readonly
	 * @type {string[]}
		return ["1️⃣", "2️⃣", "3️⃣", "4️⃣", "5️⃣", "6️⃣", "7️⃣", "8️⃣", "9️⃣", "🔟"];

	_testForAuth(message) {
		var content = message.content.split(" ").slice(1);
		var args = [], kwargs = {};
		var insideQuotes = false;
		for (var element of content) {
			if (\S+=\S+/) != -1) {
				var key = element.match(/\S+=/)[0];
				var value = element.match(/=\S+/)[0];
				kwargs[key.substring(0, key.length - 1)] = value.substring(1);
			} else if (!insideQuotes) {
			 	if (element.startsWith("\"") && !element.endsWith("\"")) {
					insideQuotes = true;
					element = element.slice(1);
			} else {
				if (element.endsWith("\"")) {
					insideQuotes = false;
					element = element.slice(0, -1);
				args[args.length - 1] += " " + element;

		if (this.auth.length == 0 || this.auth.includes( {
			this._executeCommand(message, args, kwargs, flags);
		} else {
			message.reply("You are not authorized to run this command.");

	_executeCommand(message, args, kwargs, flags) {
		//console.log(args, kwargs, flags);

		if (this["com_" + args[0]]) {
			this["com_" + args[0]](message, args, kwargs, flags);
		} else {
			this.command(message, args, kwargs, flags);

	 * Callback function called when a message is sent. Defaults to checking for the command and for auth to execute the command.
	 * @method
	 * @param {external:Message} message - The message that was sent.
	on_message(message) {
		if (message.content.startsWith(process.env.PREFIX) && message.content.split(" ")[0] === process.env.PREFIX + this.commandText && (message.guild || this.dmEnabled)) {

	 * Sends a choice message, using reactions. The message will be deleted once the collector is closed by default.
	 * @async
	 * @method
	 * @param {(external:TextChannel|external:DMChannel)} channel - The Discord channel the message is sent to.
	 * @param {(string|external:MessageEmbed)} content - The content of that message.
	 * @param {string[]} emojis - The emojis to be added as reactions and listened for. Represents the options the user can take.
	 * @param {string} confirmation_emoji - The emoji that will be displayed when either the collect and remove functions return true, and the confirmation_condition is fulfilled. Clicking it will close the collector.
	 * @param {collectionCallback} collect_function - The callback function called on the collection of a reaction.
	 * @param {removalCallback} remove_function - The callback function called on the removal of a reaction. Set to null to use the collect_function.
	 * @param {confirmationCallback} confirmation_condition - The callback function called to verify if the collector should be closed on the collection of the confrimation emoji.
	 * @param {endCallback} end_function - The callback function called once the collector is closed.
	 * @param {Object} options - Options for the message
	 * @param {boolean} options.dontDelete - Prevents the message from being deleted once the collector is closed.

	 * @returns {external:Message} The message that was sent.
	async sendChoice(channel, content, emojis, confirmation_emoji, collect_function, remove_function, confirmation_condition, end_function, options = {}) {
		if (!remove_function) remove_function = collect_function;

		return await channel.send(content)
			.then(async m => {for (var r of emojis) await m.react(r); return m})
			.then(m => {
				var collection = m.createReactionCollector((reaction, user) => emojis.includes( && !, { dispose: true });

				function updateConfirmationEmoji(base, can_confirm) {
					if (can_confirm) {
					} else {
						var r = m.reactions.cache.get(confirmation_emoji);
						if (r) r.users.remove(base.client.user);

				collection.on('collect', (reaction, user) => {
					if ( === confirmation_emoji) {
						if (confirmation_condition(reaction, user) && m.reactions.cache.get(confirmation_emoji).me) collection.stop();
					} else {
						var can_confirm = collect_function(collection, reaction, user);
						updateConfirmationEmoji(this, can_confirm);

				collection.on('remove', (reaction, user) => {
					if ( != confirmation_emoji) {
						var can_confirm = remove_function(collection, reaction, user);
						updateConfirmationEmoji(this, can_confirm);

				collection.on('end', (collected) => {
					if (!options.dontDelete) collection.message.delete();
					end_function(collection, collected);

				return m;
			.catch(e => this.client.error(channel,, e));

	_getSavePath() {
		return this.client.path + "\\saves\\" + + "\\";

	 * Checks the database to see if a save already exists.
	 * @async
	 * @param {string} name - The name of the collection to look for. The database has the same name as the module.
	async saveExists(name) {
		const ret = await this.client.mongo.db({name: name}).hasNext();
		return ret;

		//return fs.existsSync(this._getSavePath() + name + ".json");

	 * Saves data into the database.
	 * @async
	 * @param {string} name - The name of the collection to look for. The database has the same name as the module.
	 * @param {Object} data - The data to be stored into the database.
	async save(name, data) {
		const collection = this.client.mongo.db(;
		await collection.replaceOne({}, data, { upsert: true });
		console.log( + " Database Saved");

		// var string = JSON.stringify(data);
		// if (!fs.existsSync(this._getSavePath())) fs.mkdirSync(this._getSavePath());
		// fs.writeFile(this._getSavePath() + name + ".json", string, err => {if (err != null) console.log(err)});
		// console.log( + " JSON Data Saved");

	 * Loads data from the database.
	 * @async
	 * @param {string} name - The name of the collection to look for. The database has the same name as the module.
	 * @param {Object} fallback - The data to be saved in case no save already exists.
	 * @returns {Object} The object fetched from the database, or the fallback object if no save exists.
	async load(name, fallback) {
		if (!await this.saveExists(name)) {, fallback);
			return fallback;
		var ret = await this.client.mongo.db(;
		return ret;

		// var string = fs.readFileSync(this._getSavePath() + name + ".json");
		// return JSON.parse(string);

module.exports = exports = {Base}

 * Called when an emoji is collected.
 * @callback collectionCallback
 * @param {external:Collection<Emoji,external:MessageReaction>} collection - The current collection of all reactions.
 * @param {external:MessageReaction} reaction - The reaction that was added.
 * @param {external:User} user - The user that added that reaction.

 * Called when an emoji is removed.
 * @callback removalCallback
 * @param {external:Collection<Emoji,external:MessageReaction>} collection - The current collection of all reactions.
 * @param {external:MessageReaction} reaction - The reaction that was added.
 * @param {external:User} user - The user that added that reaction.

 * Called to verify if the collection can be closed when someone clicks on the confrimation emoji.
 * @callback confirmationCallback
 * @param {external:MessageReaction} reaction - The reaction that was added.
 * @param {external:User} user - The user that added that reaction.

 * Called once the reaction collector is closed.
 * @callback endCallback
 * @param {external:ReactionCollector} collection - The ReactionCollector object.
 * @param {external:Collection<Emoji,external:MessageReaction>} collected - The collection of MessageReactions that were collected.